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Indoor Flying

Exciting news—Indoor Flying is ready to go for the ‘24/’25 Winter Season!

We’re flying at Joliet Central High School in the field house. The space is the equivalent of 3 basketball courts for all your flying fun. Here's what you need to know.

Dates / Times (Sundays)

Dec. 8th (10:00 - 11:30 am)

Jan. 5th (10:00 - 11:00 am)

Jan. 26th (10:00 - 11:30 am)

March 2nd (10:00 - 11:30 am)

April 6th (10:00 - 11:30 am)

  • Address: 201 E Jefferson St. Joliet, IL 60432

  • Cost is $10 for non-members. No fee for JRCC Club members.

  • Joliet Central High School requires background check for anyone entering the building. The waiver to provide permission. JRCC must submit for you/friend/family to have access to the building or flying.

  • Your submission must be sent within a minimum of 3 days prior to scheduled indoor flying event to guarantee access. (i.e. December 8th event must complete form by December 5th)

  • Your background check approval submission only needs to be provided once per flying season.

  • Invite clubs, friends, and neighbors—just direct them to the website for the waiver.

By submitting this form, you are providing consent for a background check for indoor flying at Joliet Central high school.